A domino is a small rectangular block that is blank on one side and marked by dots or lines resembling those on dice on the other. A complete set of dominoes includes 28 such tiles. A game played with them involves placing these tiles edge to edge in long lines or angular patterns. When a domino is tipped over, it causes the rest of the line to fall over, creating a sequence of events that may continue indefinitely. The concept behind this activity has led to the use of a term, the “domino effect,” to describe a series of events that are triggered by one simple action and lead to much larger consequences.
As with playing cards, dominoes are used for a variety of games. The most popular, called Draw and Go, is a two-player game where each player draws a hand of seven tiles. The person who draws the highest double goes first, followed by the player with the next highest pair of dominoes and so on.
Other games involve forming chains of dominoes or laying them down in a particular pattern. Each player must match the end of one of his or her dominoes to an adjacent end of another tile, ensuring that both matching ends have the same number of dots. The player then places the tile on a flat surface and, if it is a double, places it so that it touches the other piece perpendicular to it.
Dominoes are also often used in educational activities, including demonstrating the laws of gravity and physics by having students arrange them in various ways and then watching as they tumble over each other. Students can also build structures using the tiles as they learn about the structure of a building and its parts. This activity is particularly useful for students who are learning about structural engineering and architecture, as it gives them a concrete way to understand how the structure works.
When applied to business, the domino principle can be useful in helping leaders develop a strategy for moving forward with their goals. In the case of a company, this could include picking the most important task for a day and then concentrating on it until it is completed. The idea is that this first task will then have the greatest impact on the company, and will help to “knock over” other projects or tasks that are less vital.
In personal life, the domino principle can be a helpful way to approach a project. For example, if you are working on writing a book, it might be helpful to think of the various components of the manuscript as good dominoes that need to be laid down in order to finish the project. If you focus on these dominoes, you can create a road map that will help you reach your final goal.
Domino Data Lab is a unified platform that orchestrates the entire end to end Data Science lifecycle. It enables collaboration across teams, integrates with version control systems and makes it easy to spin up interactive workspaces for exploration. It also offers a wide range of tools to enable developers to build, experiment and deploy their models on hybrid multicloud infrastructure.