Data sgp is an important tool for students, teachers, and administrators to use in understanding student performance. This tool provides a measure of relative performance by comparing a student’s current test score to the scores of their academic peers. For example, a student with a high test score could have an SGP of 85. This indicates that the student grew faster than 85 percent of his or her academic peers. It is important to note that an SGP does not replace a student’s achievement target or goal. Instead, it helps to clarify what a student needs to grow in order to meet their goals.
To view a student’s SGP, go to the Student Growth Report (SGR) webpage. This page displays the most recent SGP scores for the student. In addition, it provides a link to the SGP Calculator tool, which allows users to compute their own SGPs for a given time period and to compare their results to the state averages.
Using the SGP calculator tool is simple. Once a user inputs the data for the student, the tool automatically calculates the SGP and compares it to the state average. The results are displayed in a chart, which includes a color-coded legend and a bar graph showing the SGP trend over time. The chart can also be sorted by various categories, such as math skills, reading skills, and writing skills. The SGP graph can be exported as a PDF or Excel file for further analysis.
The SGP website also contains information on how to interpret the results and offers links to additional resources. A sample SGP report is available on the site, as well as instructions for calculating and reporting student growth percentiles. The site also has a video that walks users through the process.
OSPI’s SGP model is complex, and training on this model may not be a top priority for many school districts. However, districts can support their families and students by distributing the SGP information they receive from OSPI.
SGPs are calculated on the basis of all assessment data available to a student for a particular window of time. A SGP score of 75 means that the student grew faster than 75 percent of their academic peers for that window. Teachers and administrators can also use SGPs to determine if a student grew more than, less than, or as much as expected.
The SGP package has higher level functions that “wrap” the lower level studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections into a single function call, simplifying the source code associated with operational SGP analyses. The higher level functions require a data set in long format, which is often referred to as the SGPstateData file. This file consists of embedded state-specific meta-data and embedded SGP data. The SGP package has an optional utility to help create this file. The utility is called prepareSGP. The file can then be used in any of the higher level SGP functions.